My life journey has been one I never dreamt of or imagined as a very ordinary me! Mother of five (now nine with the lovelies who have married in), Grandma of two and wife to one; the stepping stones I have dared to venture out onto (by the grace of my extraordinary God), have interwoven my life and that of my family with the most amazing, diverse people from a number of countries. Through extraordinary circumstances, in recent years I became trained as an educational therapist on the back of my learnings as a parent of children with learning difficulties coupled with much experiential learning through setting up programmes in developing countries. Both researching and writing is something I love; propelling and motivating me to keep learning, growing and processing the lessons learned from both the successes and failings on my life journey. My hope is that what’s written here will be a source of help, support and encouragement to all who read it.

keep us moving forwards!